Thank You: Book Giveaway!

One year ago this month I published my first book The School Speech Language Pathologist, An Administrator’s Guide to understanding the role of the SLP in schools along with strategies to aid staffing, workload management and student success. I don’t have to explain to SLPs why I was compelled to write this book. It evolved first in my head, then as a powerpoint and then as a small book. Tired of feeling overwhelmed and disrespected, I pushed the completion of the book into high gear after winning a self publishing contract through my publisher Booklocker (which I highly recommend as a self publisher).
Publishing this book was a milestone in my life. To celebrate that and to thank my many followers, I want to give away 5 copies to active followers of my blog, The School Speech Therapist. To become an active follower, sign up through the feedburner link on the right. You will receive an email to activate your subscription. Winners will be chosen at random on April 30th 2016.
My book sales have been slow but steady. I’ve been pleased with the feedback I’ve received from other SLPs. I’m still working on getting it into the hands of those who need it such as school administrators. I’ll take any suggestions on how to do that. We all need to do a better job advocating for ourselves, our skills and our students. There is too much wrong with the way most of us service students in schools, primarily around workload. We have become blurred with teachers and most administrators don’t believe we have a lot to contribute. I’m rarely consulted on practices, policies or even student decisions beyond showing up to IEP meetings where they legally have to have us there. This book is just a start and I hope someone with more energy and better connections will expand the fight (yes unfortunately it is a fight at this point).
Thank you to everyone who follows The School Speech Therapist and my companion Facebook page. If you can’t wait to buy my book it is available through Amazon (see link below), Barnes and Nobel and through my publisher Booklocker.
I’m already a follower–do I get entered in to the contest to possibly win? Another SLP and I were asked to be on the English/Language Arts curriculum adoption committee in our school district, and it is very interesting. We are working with General Education Teachers, RSP Teachers, SDC Teachers,ELL Specialists and Administrators on what we need included in new curriculum, and in the textbooks & materials (even though we don’t use the actual textbooks). It is nice to be included and know what is going on in the curriculum.
Yes, anyone new or old who is listed in feed burner as an active follower at the end of the month will have a chance to win. Sounds like you have quite the insightful school system. They must have finally realized that they have language specialists in the building and don’t need to pay a consultant. With that said, is this at least a stipened position? If not when are you meeting? Are they listening to your recommendations? What state are you in? I’d really like to know more about your experience.
Thanks for following my blog
This book is a much needed resource in all school settings. Thank you for your time and efforts to put this together.
Thank you so much. It’s just a baby step toward advocacy. However, no one else has anything like this out there. Thanks for following my blog. Teresa
Congratulations and best of luck. I hope you sell a lot of copies. 🙂
Hello Everyone,
I have just sent out emails for the 5 winners of my book. Thank you all so much for following my blog. I have submitted to present some of the ideas from my book at an ASHA poster session. We’ll see if I get accepted.