SLP Blogs

If you have a speech and language related blog or web site I’ll be glad to list it here.  (I am unable to list offices or therapy services of any kind.  I reserve the right not to list blogs, web sites or ads for any reason.  Sorry:))

Also…please write out your acronyms.  Other than SLP, our acronyms don’t always mean the same thing in different places.

The Fantastic Speech Therapy Blog List

  1. Smart Speech Therapy , A blog and web site created by Tatyana Elleseff MA CCC-SLP focusing on bilingual and pediatric therapy.  Experience with internationally adopted children and their specific language needs.
  2. Public School SLP’s, Pam and Holly certified SLP’s put together this fun blog of ideas for public school SLP’s.  This is a new blog and The School Speech Therapist wishes them luck.  Added June 26, 2012
  3. Apps for Children with Special Needs,  this is a site that has created some colorful and interesting iPad apps for kids.  The company has also given away many iPads.  Looking at their site makes me wish I actually had an iPad.  Added July 23. 2012
  4. Lets Talk Speech and Language,  this is a relatively new blog with lots of good ideas for fun activities and fun apps.  Ms. Sohan is a school based SLP working primarily at the middle school level.  Added August 5, 2012
  5. The Speech Bubble,  Created by M. Wilson SLP, to let her creative side out and share her ideas.  This is a relatively new blog with lots of good ideas already.  Added December 16, 2012
  6. Almenden Valley Speech Therapy Blog, Created by Paula Gallay M.S. CCC-SLP, her practice focuses on American English pronunciation, childhood speech & language, and autism.  Paula offers some nice practical ideas for remediation.  Added June 30, 2013.
  7. NW Speech Therapy Blog, this is the blog page for a private practice in Oregon.  It offers some nice ideas and information for parents of children wtih speech and language issues.  Added July 21, 2013.
  8. Sassy Speech Chick, The Sassy Speech Chick  shares her ideas and therapy creations.  Preschool and elementary level  Added July 1, 2014
  9. Stages Learning  This blog hopes to engage different people who work with children with autism, from speech therapists and parents to early childhood educators. They post on topics ranging from autism and language to integrating technology in a traditional hands-on curriculum Added July1, 2014
  10. Apps for Speech Therapy, Mirla G. Raz author of the Help Me Talk Series and Preschool Stuttering-What Parents Can do also pens a blog reviewing apps that can be used in therapy.  It’s worth a look.  Added July 1, 2014
  11. SergeantSLP, Teresa Shane is going to chronicle her journey from dismissed US Army Sergeant to SLP.  First let me say THANK YOU for your service and good luck on your new venture.
  12. CTSpeech Blog Focuses on developing language skills
  13. Clinic Note Blog, This is the blog to a new tech start up company called ClinicNote, the company focused on helping out SLPs with generating progress reports automatically.  Wouldn’t that be nice.  I’ll be interested to see if they develop applications to help school therapists too.  Sounds very interesting and promising.


  1. Hey Teresa, I am going to put a blog up on my website in the near future I created this data collection site with a EC Teacher friend of mine out of our need to collect usable data. Take a look and see what you think.

    • Teresa Sadowski MA/SLP-ccc

      Hi Wendy,
      I will be taking advantage of your free trial when I know I have a little time to play with it. If you’ve come up with a way to collect data and make it relevant to therapy and therapy goals that actually mean something I will be thrilled. Good luck with your product. I added you to my list.

  2. Please check my blog!! 🙂

  3. Please stop by my blog, The Speech Bubble. I also have a facebook page under the same name to check out. So by for ideas, materials, and answers to questions.

  4. Would love your support! Thanks so much!

  5. I would love it if you added me on! I will make sure you’re on my big blog list soon!

  6. Hello Teresa

    We enjoyed sharing your blog on our facebook page as it is informative and filled relavent topics. We plan to add it to the “helpful links” section of our website next time we update. Please visit us at

  7. Please feel free to visit my blog as well.

  8. Hi! Please post my website for others to know about….it has a PDF section of FREE cheat sheets! I am also having a half price sale on my social skills assessment App for iPad, Socially Speaking™, which is priced at $4.99 til 7/5/13 🙂 I am trying to share my message about us SLPs needing to integrate toys and tech into treatment…..


    Penina Pearl Rybak MA/CCC-SLP, TSHH
    Speech-Language Pathologist &
    Educational Consultant
    Founder/CEO of Socially Speaking™ LLC
    LinkedIn: Penina Rybak
    About.Me Page:
    Facebook: Socially Speaking LLC
    YouTube Channel: socialslp
    Google+: Socially Speaking LLC
    Pinterest: Peninaslp
    Twitter: @PopGoesPenina

    Socially Speaking™ App for iPad:

    • Teresa Sadowski MA/SLP-ccc

      Hi Penina
      I will take a look at apps. I’m thinking of doing app reviews in the future. I’m especially interested in finding apps created by SLP’s that can be used in group therapy settings, quickly and easily.


  9. Hello Teresa,
    Please share my blog, Almaden Valley Speech Therapy Blog. As an SLP, I’m working with school-aged children, as well as helping new immigrants learn correct English pronunciation. I’m the parent of a “spectrum” kid, so I touch on autism too. I’d love to share your blog on my website, also.

    • Teresa Sadowski MA/SLP-ccc

      Done, sorry it took me so long to get to this.

  10. Hi I would love your support. We have a brand new blog at and would like to be added to your list! Thanks so much!

  11. Great speech blog site.

  12. nancy

    love these blogs/sites. They are not slp blogs, but if you provide a push-in service delivery model, you will love them.

    vocab gal

  13. This id fantastic speech therapy blog…..
    Speech Therapy Morristown NJ

  14. To whom it may concern –

    I hope my email finds you well. I wanted to share our blog with you. The purpose of our blog is to engage all different people who work with children with autism, from speech therapists and parents to early childhood educators. We post on topics ranging from autism and language to integrating technology in a traditional hands-on curriculum. We are also working with various professionals who will start guest blogging for us shortly.

    We would love to be featured on your site! Please let us know if there is any more information we need to provide.

    Thank you,

    Lindsey Dunn

    • Teresa Sadowski MA/SLP-ccc

      You’re added, sorry it took so long

  15. Hi everyone! I am a ASHA certified SLP and fairly new to blogging; however, I have a blog by the name of Sassy Speech Chick. Basically, it’s a blog for me to share my ideas and therapy creations. It can by found by searching I hope you all like it feel free to comment and share as I grow in my blogging journey. Thanks “TheSchoolSpeechTherapist” for allowing me to get my blog out there for my fellow colleagues.

    • Teresa Sadowski MA/SLP-ccc

      You’re added. Sorry it took so long

  16. Hi there,

    I’m not actually suggesting a blog (lots of hot competition here, if I were to do so!) but just pointing out a broken link at number two on the list above.

    Maybe ‘Do the Data’ have changed addresses or taken a break? 🙂

    Kind regards,
    Speech-Language Therapist in Wellington, New Zealand

    • Teresa Sadowski MA/SLP-ccc

      Thanks for mentioning that. I checked the link and will delete it

  17. Thanks so much for adding me to your “Favorite Blogs” list, as well as providing information on a good fluency book.
    I truly appreciate it.

  18. Hi Everyone,

    Love the blogs and updates. We would love to be listed as well if possible. We started to write blogs on articles and topics we feel can help parents and educations. Take a look as we would love to be added to the great list above:


  19. Nancy Jorden

    I am currently looking for a speech pathology for my son. He has always sounds like he is hoarse. I want to know if something is wrong with him. I was hoping to find a website that had a lot of blogs with speech specialists. I am going to read all of them soon.

    • Teresa Sadowski MA/SLP-ccc

      Hello Nancy,
      My first recommendation is to talk to your pediatrician and get a referral from them. A hoarse voice can often be caused by underlying medical issues which have to be ruled out. However, once that is done a speech language pathologist can be involved to provide suggestions and techniques to help alleviate the underlying issues or behaviors.

  20. I am a non-traditional student (age 52) and am in my third-semester of grad school. I just started my blog detailing my journey from the U.S. Army to becoming an SLP. Would you please add my blog to your list? Thanks, Teresa

  21. Hey Teresa!

    My name is Morgan Hampel, cofounder of ClinicNote, a tech start-up focused on helping out SLPs with generating progress reports automatically. I’ve started blogging about our journey as a start-up in the speech world and would love to hear some people’s feedback/comments on our posts. Would love to be added to your site, but if not I understand. I appreciate your consideration!


    • Teresa Sadowski MA/SLP-ccc

      Your company sound very interesting and promising. I’ll be keeping an eye out. Will you have applications for the school speech therapists also? I just finished my trimester progress reports and it is a very frustrating task. Let me know how your company takes off. Keep in mind I occasionally review new products and advertise on my blog. If that interests you in the future let me know. I added you to my list.

      • Thanks for the mention! With regards to having applications for school speech therapists it is certainly on our radar. To start off, it would be on an individual basis until we could get buy in from school board systems. However, we are still actively looking for feedback as we approach our pilot launch date, so if you’re intereseted just shoot me an email. We’d love to get your input on everything! Thanks again for the consideration and shout out on your page!


  22. Hello!Very good content

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