SMART Goal Bank for SLPs-Share your SMART goals
With the new school year on the horizon, I’m going to post once again about SMART goals. As SLPs we almost always have to figure things out on our own. With the development of professional SMART goals we’ve had to be more and more creative. I’ve seen SLPs make the process extremely complicated and SLPs who make the process a lot simpler. Coming up with new and interesting SMART goals that can relate to the SLP is just not that easy. As a group we need to start sharing our ideas. There is no reason for SLPs to be reinventing the wheel.
What I would like to propose is creating a smart goal bank specifically for Speech Language Pathologists. I would have two categories one for SLPs who need individual SMART goals and one for SLPs who may be writing group or district wide SMART goals.
Submissions should include:
Specific SMART goals as they were written in your plan
Levels/ages/grades of students you worked with at the time of the smart goal
Briefly state what you did to complete the goal.
What your administrator/principal/supervisor thought of your smart goal
Level of difficulty in completing SMART goal, self judge on a 1-5 scale
Time frame it took to complete smart goal
Your name if you would like recognition
Working part time I was able to slide under the radar when it came to SMART goals until this year. My goals this year focused on education or staff and parents. My SMART goals for this past year are listed below. My goals are a little light on the measure part but I chose a “will do this” as opposed to a challenging data collection or changing outcome. In my situation this was acceptable.
I want to create a bank of SMART goals that are practical, easy to achieve, related to speech/language and not very time consuming. So please take 5 minutes to share your experience. Either respond to this blog post or email me at Let’s help each other out.
I wrote these while working in an elementary school setting. This was very easy to complete because I wrote it to reflect something I do as part of therapy anyway. It is a little light on measurable. But it worked for me.
Student Learning SMART Goal(s)
Students on my caseload will spontaneously share 1-3 unique experiences each session, in a logical order with adequate details and decreased adult prompts. In addition they will ask relevant questions about other group members shared experiences.
Professional Practice SMART Goal(s)
To share my knowledge of language development with parents, support staff and administrators by providing additional information on language development and practical strategies to aid student success. Support staff will participate in an inservice to understand the role of the SLP in school, what the SLP works on and specific language strategies that support the underlying language needs in the classroom. Parents and administrators will receive additional time and materials when needed or requested, to help understanding of individual student’s specific language needs and/or disability. In addition parents, will be provided strategies, suggestions and materials to help develop underlying language needs in the home as needed.
Part 1: Analysis of Student Learning, Growth, and Achievement
When talking about novel experiences, students in both regular and special education often have difficulty providing logical, sequential, detailed information and difficulty expanding on topic. Many need too many probing questions, suggestions and models when telling about experiences.
Part 2: Assessment of Practice Against Performance Standards
As a precursor to writing, students must be able to organize ideas and details, independently, in a logical and sequential manner.
Hello, just wanted to know if you receive any SMART goals to compile. It’s that time of the year when they are due, and I need some new ideas that are quick and easy!
Sorry I haven’t had a chance to follow up with this. Here’s what I’ve learned. All states seem to write professional goals a little differently or not yet at all. This can vary from district to district also depending on the administration agenda and/or software involved. I got little response or even ideas from SLPs when asked on a variety of fb pages. I got a little better response when I put the question up on ASHA community pages. Here is the link
So what else I figured out with this is that once again SLP goals be they professional or student specific follow the format for teachers and are not tailored to what SLP do or want to achieve. My feeling is they should be based on child development not academic standards that may not even apply to the majority of our caseloads depending on severity of caseload. I hope this helps. Please let me know what you end up doing. My advice is to make it as simple as possible.