Your School Newsletter and Your SMART Goal

Apr 6, 2014 by

Your School Newsletter and Your SMART Goal

For the past year and a half I’ve worked for a school district a couple days a week.  When you work very part time in a school you usually get to slip under the radar for many things.  SLPs in my position are sometimes even considered consult types.  You tend to miss a lot of information on procedures.  Anyway, SMART goal writing finally caught up with me.  I was there during the initial explanation of SMART goals at the beginning of last year so I wasn’t totally unprepared.  I had an idea of what I wanted to do and have actually been implementing  my ideas.  I even had a rough draft of my goals.  Last week I was finally asked to input my goals and it was extremely simple.

My one specific professional goal was to share my knowledge with parents by providing 6 articles per year to the school newsletter.  These articles focus on strategies and activities to encourage language development.  I’ve been doing this since October of 2012 and have provided more than my specified 6 articles per year.  While it’s true not many actually read school newsletters, I have received positive feed back from parents, teachers, paraprofessionals and most important my school principal.

Rather than have these articles just sit on my computer, I thought others might want to take these parent focused articles and post them in their own school newsletter.  Figuring out the best way to share the articles has been tricky.  At this time I’ve opened a store on Teachers Pay Teachers.

My articles are perfect for K-5 school news letters.  The articles are very reasonably priced, the first is even free.  At this time the articles are presented in word format so other SLPs or teachers can take the articles and tweak them to fit their schools needs.  In the future some but not all articles will remain in word format (this is something I’m figuring out).

I would love for you to to check out my store on TPT and give me feedback on this idea.  In the future I would be willing to bundle the articles if there is a need for that.


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