Share the highlights of your year

Well another year is almost over here in the Northeast. Many schools are out but because of snow, religious holidays and professional days, one of my districts is in till June 28th. I haven’t been in school this late since 1974, when I was a student in Detroit Public Schools the year of the strike. Back then I was brainwashed (not by my parents) to believe it was the teachers fault but now I realize it was much more complicated than that. That’s a story for another time. Anyway, come July that didn’t matter, I was a kid and had to go back to school after the 4th of July holiday. We weren’t a happy bunch and I doubt we got much done.
I expect this late last week of school will be fairly hard for teachers, students and parents to be productive. I would guess that there will be a lot of extra recess, especially if the warm weather persists. Since were usually not in school this late our schools are not air conditioned and most classrooms become bake ovens the minute the sun hits the windows.
As for me, I’ve been extremely busy up until last Thursday when I attended my last meeting. I had a banner year, completing 55 assessment between my three jobs. I wrote 5 in the last week and I am toast. I love assessing kids but this last push was a little draining. It’s been very hard to get motivated to write my last 10 progress reports. I’ve also seriously ignored my blog.
As I reflect on the year, other than maybe giving away a little too much service, I’m pretty happy with my work this year. I juggled two consulting jobs on top of my part time job. The teams I worked with were friendly, knowledgeable and accepting of a new person coming in. I did more evaluating than therapy, which is the way I really want to go as I reach my later years as a therapist. I found my skills were flexible enough to meet the needs of kids ages 2.8 to 18. I was busy all year long, However, the time factor kept me from reaching all my professional goals. I just don’t mean the one set up at school but my personal professional goals.
I think it would be interesting to share success stories that happened this year and how you achieved that success. What are your plans for next year? Is there something special you want to do? How are you going to achieve that goal. Is there something that didn’t work out that you are going to change?
I was going to create a poll but if your responses are in the comment section then we can all share in your success and share ideas.
Hope everyone has a fantastic summer. Relax and do something creative:)